Il motore di ricerca degli studiosi di Seneca
The tragedies of Seneca translated into English verse, to which have been appended comparative analyses of the corresponding Greek and Roman plays, and a mythological index by Frank Justus Miller, introduced by an essay on influence of the tragedies of Seneca upon early English drama by John Matthews Manly
l’influenza del teatro di S. nella tragedia inglese; confronto con i corrispondenti drammi greci; traduzione inglese di TRG
Indice: I. The influence of the tragedies of Seneca upon early English drama, I; II. The tragedies of Seneca translated: Oedipus, 11; Phoenissae, 51; Medea, 79; Hercules Furens, 115; Phaedra or Hippolytus, 165; Hercules Oetaeus, 213; Thyestes, 287; Troades, 333; Agamemnon, 379; Octavia, with a review of the Roman historical drama, 415; III. Comparative analyses of Seneca's tragedies and the corresponding Greek drama, 453; IV. Mythological index, 495
Editore: The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, T. Fisher Unnwin
Testo in latino: No
Luogo: London
Totale pagine: viii + 534
Codice scheda: 1907.4
Parole chiave: Fortuna, Traduzione
Opere citate: TRG
Recensioni: Barbeau, JS 1908, 605 | Cleasby, CR XXII 1908, 190-192 | Klammer, BPhW XXIX 1909, 1147 | Marchesi, RFIC XXXVII 1909, 249-253