Il motore di ricerca degli studiosi di Seneca
Seneca and the Self
Indice: Contributors, vii; Acknowledgments, ix; I. Seneca and the self: new directions; 1. S.Bartsch and David Wray, Introduction, 3; 2. A.A.Long, Seneca on the self: why now? 20; II. Philosophical perspectives; 3. B.Inwood, Seneca and self assertion, 39; 4. C.Gill, Seneca and selfhood: integration and disintegration, 65; 5. M.C.Nussbaum, Stoic laughter: a reading of Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis, 84; III. Seneca and Roman culture; 6. E.Asmis, Seneca on fortune and the kingdom of god, 115; 7. C.Edwards, Free yourself! Slavery, freedom and the self in Seneca’s Letters, 139; 8. J.Ker, Seneca on self-examination: rereading On Anger 3.36, 160; 9. S. Bartsch, Senecan metaphor and Stoic self-instruction, 188; IV. Reading the tragedies; 10. A.Schiesaro, Seneca and the denial of the self; 11. D.Wray, Seneca and tragedy’s reason, 237; 12. A Busch, Dissolution of the self in the Senecan corpus, 255; Bibliography, 283; Index, 298.
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Testo in latino: No
Luogo: Cambridge-New York
Totale pagine: ix + 304
Codice scheda: 2009.24
Recensioni: A.Wilcox BMCRev 2010 (7)