Il motore di ricerca degli studiosi di Seneca
Latin Fathers and the Classics
esame della presenza dei classici latini (fra cui S.) nei padri della Chiesa latini
Indice: Preface, 3; Contents, 5; Part I. The Apologists and Lucretius, Chap. 1. Introduction, 9; Chap. 2. Arnobius, 12; Chap. 3. Lactantius, 48; Chap. 4. The other apologists. Conclusion, 77; Part II. Jerome and Latin Literature, Chap. 1. Introductory remarks, 91; Chap. 2. The writings 374-385, 100; Chap. 3. Literary work in Bethlehem 86-393, 115; Chap. 4. Polemical and other writings 393-402, 142; Chap. 5. The writings 402-419, 215; Chap. 6. Aspects and conclusions, 269; Part III. Miscellaneous questions, Chap. 1. Illa notissimas quattuor animi perturbationes, 331; Chap. 2. The four virtues, 347; Chap. 3. Pagan mythology and poetry applied to Christian beliefs, 382; Indices, 397
Collana: «Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia» VI
Editore: Göteborg
Testo in latino: No
Totale pagine: 424
Codice scheda: 1958.25
Parole chiave: Fortuna
Recensioni: Favez, Lat XVII 1958, 558-560 | Herescu, Orph V 1958, 152-153 | Rahner, ZKTh LXXX 1958, 584-585 | Rostagni, RFIC LXXXVI 1958, 303-304 | Testard, REL XXXVI 1958, 331-333 | van Ootegem, LEC XXVI 1958, 428 | Courcelle, Gn XXXI 1959, 173-175 | Daniélou, Eras XII 1959, 324-327 | Fontaine, REA LXI 1959, 534-540 | Greenslade, CR IX 1959, 262-263 | Préaux, AC XXVIII 1959, 439-441 | André, RPh XXXIV 1960, 158 | dos Santos, Hum XI-XII 1959/60, xli-xliv | Grant, CPh LV 1960, 69 | Marrou, RBPh XXXVIII 1960, 418-423 | Silvestre, RHE LV 1960, 155-161 | Jannsen, Mn XIV 1961, 184-187