Il motore di ricerca degli studiosi di Seneca
Seeing Seneca Whole. Perspectives on Philosophy, Poetry and Politics
in Seeing Seneca Whole. Perspectives on Philosophy, Poetry and Politics
Indice: Preface, vii; List of Contributors, ix; List of Illustrations, xi; K. Volk, G.D. Williams, Introduction, xiii; R. Tarrant, Seeing Seneca Whole?, 1; J. Ker, Seneca, Man of Many Genres, 19; J.M. Cooper, Seneca on Moral Theory and Moral Improvement, 43; K.M. Vogt, Anger, Present Injustice and Future Revenge in Seneca's De ira, 57; J. Wildberger, Seneca and the Stoic Theory of Cognition: Some Preliminary Remarks, 75; W.-R. Mann, Learning How to Die: Seneca's Use of Aeneid 4.653 at Epistulae Morales 12.9, 103; J. Henderson, Journey of a Lifetime: Seneca, Epistle 57 in Book VI of the EM, 123; G.D. Williams, States of Exile, States of Mind: Paradox and Reversal in Seneca's Consolatio ad Helviam Matrem, 147; S. Cole, Elite Scepticism in the Apokolokyntosis: Further Qualifications, 175; K. Volk, Cosmic Disruption in Seneca's Thyestes: Two Ways of Looking at an Eclipse, 183; Bibliography, 201; Passages Cited, 213; Index, 219
Testo in latino: No
Totale pagine: 222
Codice scheda: 2006.61
Parole chiave: Esegesi, Scuole filosofiche